Epigenetic Rx’s – Healing Your Emotional DNA
by Health and Wellness Coach, Lori Daniel Falk
The conventional theory of medicine says that your health is a combination of your genetics, exposure to germs and your lifestyle. When in fact science is now showing us, your emotional experience is a far greater factor than any of those. There’s now solid evidence behind the correlation of emotional experience and a host of diseases and health conditions, from heart disease and depression to obesity and chronic pain.
In fact, in the 1990’s the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) co-designed a study of over 17,000 HMO patients to assess the link between emotional experience and adult health. The results of the ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) study were so astounding; the authors stated, “…they have given us reason to reconsider the very structure of primary care medical practice in America.”
One of the leading experts in this burgeoning field, commonly referred to as the Science of Epigenetics, is Dr. Bruce Lipton. He is a pioneer in applying the principles of quantum physics to the field of cellular biology. While traditional cell biology focuses on the physical molecules that control our biology, Dr. Lipton’s work focuses on the mechanisms through which energy in the form of our beliefs can affect that same biology, including our genetic code. His work tells us that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell, including energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts, emotions and beliefs.
Another pioneer is well known author, Louise Hay. She has been dubbed by the Australian media as “the closest thing to a living saint.” Her best selling book, You Can Heal Your Life is well known for it’s comprehensive list of diseases, the emotional conflicts that create them, and the positive affirmations one can implement to correct those limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns. It has become the “go to” reference for holistic healers around the world as they help their patients get to the “root cause” of their ailments.
Based on all of this scientific research, we now know that it is not the DNA alone that creates disease, rather it’s the beliefs. Those very beliefs we hold onto so strongly that they rule our life, are in turn governing our health as well. Actually it’s not only “our” beliefs, it’s the beliefs passed on from generation to generation that are held in our subconscious programming, that create our health and wellbeing, or lack thereof. Let’s call these multi-generational beliefs our “Emotional DNA.
The good news is that these days there is much you can do to heal your emotional self. The question is where do we begin? What can we as individual people do to clear the unhealthy beliefs and programs that reside within each of us … those very beliefs that we aren’t even always aware of … the ones that silently sneak up on us and create diseases that are not at all desirable, that in fact are not at all how we would like our lives to be?
In an effort to help each of you look at your Emotional DNA and how it is impacting your prospective health and well being, I have created a new modality I am now referring to as “Epigenetic Rx’s that are designed to help you uncover your ancestral emotional DNA.”
The process itself is simple. We start with an overall review of your family history to discover any unhealthy family discord/patterns/addictions/diseases. Once the patterns are identified we work to uncover the underlying emotional conflicts contributing to each of them. The next step is connecting the dots between them all. You might say we look at it all through the quantum field, creating a spider web of interconnectivity and awareness of how all the beliefs have played off of one another to create your current reality, including your health.
Once we have all this information in place we create an Angelic Rx that will help you to untangle this web of beliefs that has literally created your physical reality and your ability to maneuver through life. An Epigenetic Rx if you will that will help you to eliminate the limiting belief patterns that keep it so securely in place. Your Angelic Rx will include an array of emotional healing tools ranging from art and essential oils, to affirmations and music. Think of it as the science of epigentics simplified into a practical perspective, that you can apply to healing your life.
My Epigenetic Rx’s make understanding your emotional DNA easy! The results achieved thus far with my clients have been nothing short of amazing. They are filled with excitement and renewed hope that the challenges they’ve dealt with for years, or even decades, now not only make sense, they have a blueprint/roadmap that will enable them to disengage from the matrix of false beliefs passed on from generation to generation. They not just feel, they know, they have found the road to recovery.
The process itself is simple.
Lori Daniel Falk, Thought Leader

Health Disclaimer: The author, Lori Daniel Falk, is a Health & Wellness Coach only, not a licensed health care practitioner. Although Lori has compiled research findings on alternative healthcare treatments included in this article, she does not claim to be an expert in these fields or to have medical or professional expertise in these fields. She in turn encourages each person reading the information contained herein to draw their own conclusions as to the potential benefits of each complementary and alternative medical treatment listed and to seek medical advice from their medical doctor before undertaking any such therapy.
If you like this article and would like to work with me because you are ready for profound personal growth and spiritual transformation, consider an Angelic Message Portrait or Spiritual Life Coaching, where we will work together to help you find YOUR life purpose, YOUR passion, YOUR reason for being … Together we will uncover your limiting beliefs that are preventing you from obtaining your goals and fulfilling your dreams ~ and heal them, once and for all.
Better yet, let me give you the “best that I’ve got” with my “Coached By An Angel” Program where we will tap into my intuitive angelic guidance to help you once again view the world as a source of endless possibilities. . . empowering YOU to create … and live … the life of YOUR dreams!
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Copyright (c) 2015 by Lori Daniel Falk. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.