Healing Tools
Protecting one’s well-being is becoming nothing short of a global movement, as consumers seek to ensure healthy lives for as long as possible-particularly as average life-spans continue to rise. People now realize if they are going to live longer they want to be healthy, and to do that they have no choice but to do it differently than we have before.
As a Health and Wellness Coach I understand this better than most. It is my deepest desire that you do too. In fact, I’ve put together a combination of products that will help you attain the new American Dream of Health & Wellness…

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Redox Signaling Molecules
When we are babies we have trillions of RSMs, by age 40 we have 50% less. Scientific studies are showing that cancer, diabetes, cardio vascular issues, etc. are actually Redox deficient diseases.

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Epigenetic Healing Art
Hospitals all over the world are incorporating music and art into patient care. As art and healing merge, the field of art will be changed, and the field of medicine will be changed forevermore.

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Scientific studies confirm the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids (CBD) may help treat a variety of ailments from neurological disorders and cardiovascular disease, to diabetes and cancer.

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Because of their antidepressant, stimulating, detoxifying, antibacterial, antiviral and calming properties, essential oils are a natural, safe and cost-effective therapy for a number of health concerns.

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EMF Protection
Scientific studies indicate the impact of EMFs are slowly chipping away at your health causing everything from oxidative stress to cellular DNA damage and endocrine changes.
“Your Health is Your Wealth”